Preschool Program

Preschool Program

Our preschool program is a multi-aged classroom for students aged 2.5 to 4 years old. This full day program provides an introduction to the Montessori philosophy and classroom environment. There is a six to one student to teacher ratio, allowing for individualized learning. The aim of the program is to help children develop important life skills such as confidence, concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning. We introduce academic concepts in various curricular areas: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Cultural Studies and Art. Hands-on learning experiences and inquiry based learning are fundamental in the curriculum to foster engagement, curiosity, and experimentation. Additionally, we promote collaborative activities among the students in the classroom to help them learn how to work together and from each other. Students receive weekly lessons in Mandarin, French, and Music. Outdoor play is also an important part of the student’s daily routine.


Monday to Thursday: 8:30am-3:00pm

Friday: 8:30am-1:30pm

Hot Lunch (optional)